Don’t worry Gmail, Calendar and Drive all allow offline access, allowing you to continue to work when you’re not connected to the internet.
Google sheets is now very advanced and in many ways has capabilities above and beyond Microsoft Excel. We provide advance Google Sheets training for those who require it. The collaboration that is possible with Sheets, and the simplicity of the interface, makes it easier for many users. Microsoft files can now be stored and edited on the web interface in Google Drive. These include .docx and .xlsx files.
If there is a requirement within your role for Microsoft Excel, a licence can be organised for you, please reach out to the IT team.
A period of adjustment to the new tools is normal.
The best way to ensure you get up and running quickly is to attend the scheduled training.
Google has proven that its tools make work easier, faster and more efficient.
Watch our video on How to Retain Productivity Post Google Migration.
The training will cover all that you need to know to get started, and additional training can be organised in the future if needed.
Shares Drives (formerly Team Drives) is only available in Google Workspace Business Standard or higher tiers, it is not available to Google Workspace Business Starter or a consumer account. If you do not have Business Standard or higher, you will not be able to add a shared drive.
Yes. You can add new users with an agreed discounted price.
No. You will not be able to reduce the number of licenses within the contracted period.
– A flexible contract automatically renewes every 30 days unless canceled in accordance to its terms and conditions. – You can add and reduce the amount of users as needed and will be billed for the up to date number of users each month. – There are no discounts available for flexible contracts from Google. -A fixed term contract lasts for the agreed period of time, after which it renewes for 12 months under the same terms and current list pricing from Vendor unless canceled. – You will be able to add users for the same agreed price during the contract period. – You will not be able to reduce the amount of users during the contract period. – Fixed term contracts have the potential of gaining an individual discount depending on the length of the contract period, circumstances and Vendor. -With a fixed term contract, you are able to secure an exact price and (depending on each case) discount per user per year/month for the contract period.
Yes, the licenses are reusable. If you are not able to reduce the amount of users during the contract period and expecting staff changes, you can reuse old licenses for the new employees.
You will be able to select a billing frequency: either monthly or annual on a fixed term contract.
You will be billed monthly on a flexible plan.
Please contact our support at: [email protected] stating how many users you wish to add
We allow monthly payment from a minimum of 50 users per account on Google Workspace Business tiers.
We offer 2 types of billing frequency:
The contracts renew automatically unless cancelled by one of the parties as per our contract terms.
We notify our customers 60 days prior the renewal date regarding the upcoming renewal and individual options our customers have. We wish for our customers to renew agreements consciously and due to the quality of our services. We work hard to maintain good communication with our customers and keep them well informed about any important changes.
Don’t worry everything will be moved for you, including;
These will all be moved to Google Workspace by our IT Team. You will need to customise it so that it works best for you, and we will show you how to do that in the training, but your data will all be there.
The more prepared you are for a migration, the better. This new operating system will make you even more efficient than you were before, just be mindful that it will take a little time to get there. Pre-GoLive & Post Go-Live Training will make sure you get there are fast as possible.
Nope, we migrate all your old emails and data, you will still have access to all of them on the new system.
The team at Damson Cloud have the expertise to support your business and help you achieve success, regardless of whether you’re new to Google Workspace or looking to enhance your existing usage.