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Tech Tip Thursday: Tiny Tech Tip “Extract images from Google Slides”

During the course of a typical working day, there will often be an occasion where you’ll want that perfect image, you’ve seen it before in a Google Slides deck but you just don’t know how to get at it. Well that should no longer be a problem with our tiny tech tip in how to extract images from a slide deck. From this video you’ll learn how to:

  • Extract the image via copy and paste to add elsewhere (most common)
  • Download the slide as a pdf or png
  • Use the “keep” function to take one image from a slide

Copy and Paste – simple

If it’s just a case of using the image as it is on another slide deck, copy and paste will likely see you through. Just right click on the image you wish to use, select copy and paste it into the other slide deck. Or if you’re feeling short on time, “ctrl + C” and then “ctrl + V” will suffice.

Typically this will only work from presentation to presentation. If you’re looking for a better, more permanent way read on…

Use the download function

Useful for editing the image or using it in other media downloading the slide or image means you can also keep it for later. Simply go to “File”, hover over “download” and then select how you wish to save your selection.

The downside to saving the entire slide is exactly that, it’s the entire slide. Useful for showing slides within slides for example or other uses but downloading the entire slide won’t typically meet your requirements, especially if you’re looking to save a singular image. What will help is…

Keep the image forever

So if you want to save the image for editing and use elsewhere, save to keep is the way to go. It’s easily the most flexible, as with the first option you can reuse it elsewhere and unlike the second option you’re downloading the image only. You can do this by selecting the image, right clicking and scrolling down to the bottom and selecting “save to keep”

This will open the app bar on the right hand side and the image will appear in a keep note. If you then right click on the image in the note and select “save image as” you’ll get the prompt to rename the file, choose the location on your physical drive and it’ll be saved as a PNG file. Now you’ll have the original image able to edit and add to other file types!

We hope this Tiny Tech Tip has been useful for you. Is working with a Google Premier Partner something on your to-do list for 2023? We’d love to speak to you. Whether you’re already on Google Workspace or you’re looking to migrate, get in touch with us here

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